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EU institutions
After two thirds of the Presidency: Meeting the Slovenian Minister of Labour Janez Cigler Kralj
8 November 2021
Slovenia’s second Presidency of the EU Council is in its final stage when Ceemet meets Labour Minister Janez Cigler Kralj.…
Ceemet at the “Quality of Work, Quality of Life” High-Level Conference – flexible working arrangements require strong social partnership
8 October 2021
The Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council organised a high-level conference dedicated to the topic “Quality of Work, Quality of…
Ceemet DG speaks at Slovenian Presidency High-Level Conference on Quality of Work & Life
6 October 2021
During their Presidency of the EU Council the Slovenian government wanted to pay particular attention to sustainable work and life,…
Portuguese Minister outlines EU Presidency priorities
1 February 2021
Ana Mendes Godinho, Portugal’s Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, addressed the Ceemet General Assembly at the beginning of…
Portugal’s Presidency in the focus of recovery
5 January 2021
With the motto ‘Time to deliver: a fair, green and digital recovery’, Portugal sets the tone of its Presidency of…
Employers relieved by Council agreement on EU Budget
11 December 2020
Ceemet, representing the employers of the European Tech & Industry sector, reacted with relief to the news of the agreement…
Ceemet welcomes EU institutions’ agreement on 2021-2027 MFF & Recovery Plan
10 November 2020
Ceemet applauds the agreement that was found today on the Recovery Fund and the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) between…
Agreement on an intelligent Recovery Fund & MFF indispensable for recovery
6 October 2020
The EU’s Recovery Fund and the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) that are on the table need prompt approval by…
Preparing the Portuguese Presidency of the European Council
23 September 2020
At the half-time of the German Presidency, a delegation led by Ceemet President Diego Andreis and Ceemet’s Chair of the…
EU Council agreement on EU budget could limit damage
13 July 2020
At this week’s European Council meeting Europe’s Heads of State and Government gather to agree on the essential and urgent…