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Social partners reiterate: High quality VET is key for future of MET industries
21 June 2017
IndustriAll Europe and Ceemet unite/join forces to repeat their call for swift, ambitious action to be taken in the field…
EU Social partners’ joint statement: Reinvigorating the European project on the 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome
24 March 2017
The employer and worker representatives of the European Metal, Engineering and Technology-based (MET) industries underline the need for a responsible…
industriAll & Ceemet joint position on the impact of Digitalisation
8 December 2016
The world of work will change. It will change how and where people work in the Metal, Engineering and Technology-based…
Relaunching a sustainable and value-adding European sectoral social dialogue
19 September 2016
Social dialogue is a determining factor when it comes to competitiveness and employment and social partners need to play a…
Employers and trade unions united: ‘Yes’ to UK in the European Union
16 June 2016
Britain plays a major role in the EU and exerts significant influence. The economic consequences of a potential Brexit would…
EU interference in wage setting not supported by Ceemet, ECEG, EURATEX & industriAll
13 March 2013
The employers representing European industry together with their counterpart trade union have adopted the attached statement as a message to…
Ceemet, ECEG & industriAll Europe concerned regarding EU plans to regulate national occupational pensions
19 February 2013
With regard to the discussion of an agenda for adequate, safe and sustainable pensions currently taking place in the European…
Ceemet, ECEG & industriAll Europe oppose applying a Solvency II-like own-funds requirement
27 February 2012
Ceemet, ECEG & industriAll Europe oppose applying a Solvency II-like own-funds requirement to occupational pension provision institutions since this would…
Social partners support permeability between VET and higher education
8 February 2012
Ceemet & EMF emphasize in their common statement on the importance of permeability between vocational education and training (VET) and…
Joint Ceemet-EMF statement on industrial policy
18 April 2011
The first year of formal social dialogue between sector employers and trade unions result in joint view on industrial policy.