
EU Council

18:00 - European Council President Charles Michel will convene EU leaders for a new videoconference dedicated to the EU response to COVID-19 and discuss the Future Relationship with the UK. All information linked to the videoconference can be found on the page of the EU Council.

Informal EPSCO

Video conference On this page you will find the background documents for todays meeting. The agenda items include: 'New work - human-centric work: Ensuring fair working conditions and social protection in the Platform Economy adequate minimum wages Coordination of Social Security Systems European Globalisation Fund regulation (2021-2027) 'A union of gender equality? How to implement […]

EU Council

The European Council will meet on December 10 and 11. Items on the agenda include: COVID-19 Climate change Trade Security External relation Please click here to find the Annotated draft agenda for the European Council meeting (10 and 11 December 2020).

Portuguese Presidency meeting

11:00 - 12:00 Topics to be discussed: revision of the social security coordination proposal for a Directive on adequate minimum wages