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Social Partners
EU must join forces to combat COVID-19 & reboot industry
12 June 2020
In a joint statement, social partners from the metal, engineering and tech-based industries (MET) Ceemet and industriAll European Trade Union…
IndustriAll Europe, Ceemet, ACEA, CLEPA, CECRA and ETRMA call for an ambitious recovery plan for the automotive sector
26 May 2020
Saving jobs while reducing emissions
Social Partners share insights with Members of the European Parliament
11 December 2019
Social dialogue is an important feature of European industrial relations. In many European countries it is the backbone of strong…
Social partners meet Nicolas Schmit Commissioner-designate for Jobs & Social Rights
19 November 2019
Director-General of Ceemet, Uwe Combüchen, met with his trade union counterpart Luc Triangle Commissioner-designate Schmit.
Big OECD study on Collective Bargaining unveils surprise
18 November 2019
The OECD had a closer look at social partners and more particularly at the role of collective agreements and collective…
Social partners #TogetherAtWork
25 September 2019
Today Ceemet - European Tech & Industry Employers' counterpart industriAll European Trade Union launched its campaign #TogetherAtWork. The campaign aims…
Social partners reach agreement on controversial topics
18 December 2018
At the plenary meeting of the European Social Dialogue social partners industriAll Europe and Ceemet have endorsed two joint positions,…
EU Social Dialogue Plenary: a partnership that delivers
11 December 2018
The importance of a well-functioning Social Dialogue is undisputed. The Juncker Commission highlighted from its start in 2014 the status…
Social partners of the tech & industry sector join the European Alliance for Apprenticeships
28 June 2018
And pledge to promote high-quality and effective Vocational Education & Training (VET)
Stepping up Vocational Education & Training
14 June 2018
The social partners of the Metal, Engineering and Technology-based industries teamed up for a second -and consecutive- conference on the…