27 September 2019

Ceemet at #EFNI2019: Why Learning?

Ceemet – European Tech & Industry Employers was asked to contribute to this years’ ENFI.

The European Forum for New Ideas (ENFI) is one of the largest conferences in Eastern Europe and is dedicated to global trends, new ideas and the future of Europe. It is organised by the Polish Confederation Lewiatan in cooperation with BusinessEurope and the city of Sopot.

Digital skills – the ‘conditio sine qua none’

This year the Center for Innovative Education (CIE) organised a panel on Why Learning? In a world where digital skills are the ‘conditio sine qua none’. Considering Ceemet’s expertise shared in its Digitalisation and the World of Skills & Education‘, Ceemet’s Director General Uwe Combüchen was asked to share industry’s insights.

During his intervention, Mr Combüchen highlighted the direct impact of skills that are not adjusted to labour market and cause reduced competitiveness of tech & industry companies in Europe.

What skills do employees need?

It is tricky business to predict exact skill needs, but Ceemet has identified the 7 essentials.