23 January 2017

High level Ceemet delegation meets EU Commissioner

Labour & Skills Commissioner Marianne Thyssen met Ceemet President Diego Andreis, Chairman Terry Scuoler.

Director General Uwe Combüchen and Policy Advisor Soetkin Lateur for a constructive discussion on the challenges of the future of work and how this could fit in current legislative initiatives.

The key message was that – according to the Commission’s Working Paper 1/2013 “Social Europe. Social protection budgets in the crisis”- Europe is already the most social region in the world. This is why the focus should be on increasing competitiveness and completing the single market. Any initiatives impacting the organisation of work should be compatible with the needs of the companies if the EU industry wants to remain its competitiveness.

Another aspect of increasing competitiveness is ensuring that the workforce remains highly skilled and up to date on technological developments. Ceemet would welcome supporting EU initiatives in this respect, but believes that STEM skills should be highlighted more and that an improved cooperation with companies at all levels is needed.

“Regions and companies need room to experiment if we want to cope with the speed of digitalisation”

said Ceemet President Diego Andreis.

He relaunched his call that all Member States need to integrate digital learning across all curricula. Therefore lifelong learning should be a shared responsability and must include using digital equipment understanding, controlling and creating.

Marianne Thyssen European Commission CEEMET

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