9 June 2021

Upcoming Slovenian EU Presidency – Secretary of State Mateja Ribič presents priorities

Less than a month before the Slovenian government takes over the Presidency of the EU Council from Portugal, the country’s Secretary of State at the Ministry of Labour, Mateja Ribič, addressed Ceemet’s General Assembly on 8 June.

During her presentation, she talked the audience through the employment and social policy priorities of her government.

Two main priorities of the Slovenian EU Presidency

The overall objective of the upcoming Presidency lies on mitigating the social and economic consequences of the crisis while improving working conditions. Within that scope, the Slovenian government defined two main priority areas:

  1. Quality work for quality life
  2. Life cycle approach to inclusive recovery and demographic challenges

The first priority area covers issues that are linked to the personal well-being of workers. This ranges from safety and health at work to flexible working arrangements and adequate pay for work while respecting social partner autonomy.

The second priority area has issues as equal opportunities for all children, combating cyber violence and empowering persons with disabilities at heart.

Mrs Ribič mentioned the importance of a responsive and reliance labour market and linked it to a successful and fair social and economic recovery. The link between agile and responsive labour markets and a successful recovery has been made by Ceemet in its Recovery Plan for a competitive industry in a resilient Europe report too.