5 October 2021

European Week for Safety and Health at Work: Ceemet presents ‘Digitalisation & OSH’ report

For many years, Ceemet has been supporting, as a partner, EU-OSHA’s “Healthy Workplaces” campaigns.

This year, as part of the European Week of Safety and Health at Work, Ceemet has the pleasure to present the “Digitalisation and the World of Safety & Health” report.

A virtual gathering

The virtual gathering will take place on Wednesday 27 October, from 09:00 – 10:30 with:

  • MEP Marianne Vind
  • Annick Starren from EU-OSHA
  • Franck Gambelli Chair of the Ceemet OSH committee

This panel of experts will come together to discuss which digital solutions are being applied at the workplace and which political solutions are being proposed to make work environments safer and healthier.

Find below the programme.

Attending the gatering

To attend the virtual gathering send an email and receive the link to join the meeting.