14 February 2023

Ceemet participated in an EESC hearing on “Precarious work and mental health”

On 14 February 2023, Ceemet participated in a hearing on “Precarious work and mental health” organised by the European Economic and Social Committee. This hearing was attended by representatives of civil society and social partners who gave an overview on mental health at work, in the context of the preparation of the exploratory opinion requested by the upcoming Spanish Presidency of the EU Council.

John Harkin, Senior Policy Advisor at Ceemet, intervened in the first panel by conveying messages on the fact that mental health at work is an example of a concern that can be multifactorial, impacted by both work-related and non-work-related contributing factors. John Harkin also recalled that the 1989 EU Framework Directive already covers all OSH risks and that advice on how to deal with psychosocial risks as part of the normal risk assessment process is supported by MET employers. He also underlined that the social partners are engaged in these subjects at national level and design materials and tools for companies. He explained that:

“in many cases countries already have important pieces of legislation adapted to the specificities of their national context”

Read More on Policy Priority“Occupational Health and Safety”