14 April 2019

Ceemet welcomes the extension vote in the House of Commons

As has been Ceemet’s position, an extension of the Article 50 process for an adequate duration in order to negotiate a deal which would avoid a hard Brexit and deliver for industry is crucial. We welcome the fact that this has been delivered today by the House of Commons.

Since 2016, Ceemet has called for a smooth and orderly Brexit, and championed the cause of an industry friendly withdrawal of the UK from the EU.

Ceemet Director General Uwe Combüchen stated, “We welcome the fact that our calls for an extension of the Article 50 process have been heard. We now call on the EU27 to work with the UK to ensure a goal-orientated extension.

“We appreciate the UK Parliament’s assertion that no-deal should be taken off the table. The UK and the EU must now act accordingly and make this opinion legally binding.

“Now more than ever Ceemet calls for unity to identify a sensible and pragmatic way forward that can satisfy all parties to this negotiation, avoiding such a catastrophic no-deal.”

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