The Chair of Ceemet – the European Tech & Industry Employers and Chair of Gesamtmetall the German Federation of German Employers’ Associations in the Metal and Electrical Engineering Industries, Oliver Zander, invites for a discussion on the 10 point plan for a competitive industry sustaining social Europe #10PointPlan.
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The exchange takes place on 2 April 2019 at the Representation of the State of Hessen to the EU. The event starts, after the light lunch of 12.30 pm, at 1 pm.

During the first panel, the Members of the European Parliament Dr. Andreas Schwab (EPP) and Martina Werner (S&D) will discuss with Ceemet’s Director General Uwe Combüchen Rethinking Europe – Tomorrow’s industrial hub or industrial phasing-out?

The second panel with Michael Detjen (S&D), Sven Schulze (EPP), Tina de Meeûs (Alde) and Gesamtmetall’s Deputy Managing Director Indra Hadeler is dedicated to the topic Rethinking Europe – Global, digital and still social?
Moderator is Hendrik Kafsack #EU Correspondent for the German daily newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
Click here to read the 10 Point Plan in Bulgarian, English, French, German and Italian.
Simultaneous interpretation into English/German is foreseen.