As European leaders prepare for the new legislative term, Ceemet – European Tech & Industry Employers, presents its 10 Point Plan for a competitive industry sustaining a social Europe to (re)elected Members of the European Parliament.
Focus on Unity & Subsidiarity
Strengthening the economic base requires to focus and act on the big challenges, such as digitalisation, globalisation, resource efficiency, climate and demographic change.
The EU can successfully face these challenges, if it takes a new approach on the way it regulates and implements agreed policies. With meaningful regulation, a workforce that is skilled, a seamless digital single market, the full potential will be unlocked and add a new chapter to Europe’s success story.
The EU cannot act where it has no competence but needs the support of all Member States and insights from industry/social partners.
The 10 Point Plan of the tech and industry employers is exactly that and focuses on employment and social policy topics. It lays down the foundation for a facts-based discussion, offering ideas ranging from better regulation to education and investments.
Social Europe must be sustainable
Europe needs a competitive and innovative industry if it wants to sustain its high social spending. And yet, at the same time industry needs Europe, but it must get its act together swiftly and in a much better streamlined way for which the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework gives some hope that this will be realised. It is not bold to say that industry and Europe need an ambitious plan.
The risk lies with an irresponsible behaviour of national and European politicians that are talking down Europe’s unparalleled social spending. Someone has to fund that spending and that certainly is a competitive and innovative industry.
Ceemet Director General Uwe Combüchen said: “None of the 10 points can be tackled in an isolated way. This is the reality in a globalised world where everything is interlinked. That is why we need to devise and implement an overall approach in maintaining Europe’s position in a dynamic global economy and political environment.”