Since the new European Commission has been installed, Commission President von der Leyen has set out a very ambitious plan: the Green Deal and the Digital strategy to name a few. The work programme of her Commission reflects that ambition.
Now it is up to the Heads of Government and State to broker a deal in the European Council on the 2021-2027 multi-annual financial framework and provide the will and the tools to fulfil these ambitious priorities.
Within the European Council differently motivated points of views exist. But equally, there is an agreement that the success of the European Union and the economy of the Member States depends on a sustainable digital industrial transformation and the creation of a seamless digital single market.
Streamline means
Curtailing means and programmes that would implement exactly this would not just be counterproductive but also put the future of Europe at risk. In an international competitive environment, the European Union depends on a strong and competitive industry. And a simple truth is that without streamlining, adequate means and determination put next to this priority there is no reason to believe that targets will be met.
Time is running out as the world is not waiting. The EU needs to get ready for the big challenges ahead. Agreeing on an EU budget that provide the right tools to shape the future, would be a great start.
Curious about what the challenges are? Find out what tech and industry representatives think in their 10 Point Plan for a competitive industry sustaining social Europe.