27 September 2023

Ceemet participated in the Conference on AEC E-Mobility

On 27 September 2023, Ceemet participated in the Conference on AEC E-Mobility organised by AVERE – the European Association for Electromobility in Utrecht.

Isabel Sobrino Mate, Senior policy advisor on Skills and Employment policy highlighted Ceemet recommendations on how to best address the twin transition in the MET industries.

The MET industries are facing today diverse challenges connected to the skills and labour shortages in the digital field, for example. Indeed, our companies are in need of both highly qualified workers such as data analysists, cybersecurity experts, as well as of more traditional professions such as boilermakers or electricians.

In light of these changes, Ceemet recommends to:

  • Invest in effective, practical and flexible career guidance,
  • Continue to invest and create communication campaigns to attract young people and women to STEM studies & disciplines
  • Invest in the anticipation of skills needs
  • Promote VET and apprenticeships
  • Invest in up-skilling and re-skilling workforce

Ceemet urges the policymakers to take into account those recommendations in order to bridge the skills gap and ensure that the industries, in particular the automotive sector, can successfully transit to a greener and digitalised economy. For these reasons, Ceemet is involved in several EU initiatives such as “the Coalition for a Just Transition for Automotive Sector”, “the Automotive Skills Alliance” and the “Transition Pathway for the mobility ecosystem.”