26 April 2017

EPSR – Quid Triple A in competitiveness?

Today the European Commission adopts a package of social policy initiatives within the framework of the European Pillar of Social Rights. The Commission’s goal is to achieve a European “Triple A” in employment and social affairs.

Europe already has a strong social dimension

Ceemet believes it is important that the aim to achieve an even more social Europe should not put obstacles to the competitiveness and the creating of jobs within the EU. This competitiveness is a precondition of the social Europe and the social protection of the EU citizens.

The Commission’s focus should be on how to communicate better with EU citizens about this existing social Europe and how to inform EU citizens of the advantages of a highly competitive single market.

Ceemet Director General Uwe Combüchen reminds that:

“Europe already merits today a Social Triple A. We need a Triple A in competitiveness to create jobs and growth and to sustain the unparalleled welfare systems we have in Europe.”

Key to maintaining a social Europe is social dialogue. The proposal of the Commission to unilaterally repeal the social partner agreement on parental leave creates an unseen precedent. Social dialogue and social partner autonomy are undermined as the employers’ voice has been ignored.

“Any efforts to make Europe even more social have to be based on solid competitiveness of the industry to be sustainable” – Uwe Combüchen, Ceemet Director General