6 October 2020

Agreement on an intelligent Recovery Fund & MFF indispensable for recovery

The EU’s Recovery Fund and the 2021-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) that are on the table need prompt approval by EU Parliament, Council and national parliaments. Swiftly operational, Recovery Fund and EU budget are key to exit the economic crisis by financially supporting Member States, companies and workers. A swift agreement on an intelligent Recovery Fund & MFF is indispensable for industrial, sanitary and social recovery.

Ceemet applauded the agreement that was found at the special European Council in July on the Recovery Fund and the MFF. Now all parties involved should focus on kicking-off a sustainable economic recovery. Facilitating the digital transition and structural change of industry that promotes technological and industrial sovereignty in Europe is in line with the objectives of the Trio EU Presidency of Germany, Portugal and Slovenia.

3 crucial objectives

In its Recovery plan for a competitive industry in a resilient Europe, Ceemet identified three key objectives that will be crucial for a coordinated recovery of a competitive industry providing quality employment:

  1. Restore the European single market & transform it into a seamless secure digital single market
  2. Finance the future of the European project by being big on the big things
  3. Develop labour markets and skills for the future

The announcement of President von der Leyen during her first State of the European Union to dedicate 20% of the NextGenerationEU budget to the digital transformation of Europe’s industry and society fits into these defined objectives.

Boosting industrial competitiveness: a precondition for recovery

Ceemet supports the Trio EU Presidencies’ goal of boosting industrial competitiveness, strong value chains and a stable investment environment for SMEs. It will be to the benefit of all, companies, workers, societies as a whole and eventually the future of the European project.

In response to the Council’s proposal and the ongoing negotiations between Council and European Parliament, Ceemet stresses the sense of urgency because of:

  • the scale of the COVID-19 pandemic that has highlighted the urgent need of a European approach. This comes with an increased need for a digital transformation of industry and society. No Member State can stem these challenges alone. Ceemet calls the negotiators to not get distracted by symbols but focus on what brings the change an innovative and competitive European industry needs.
  • the Recovery Fund that has to be operational as of 1 January 2021 requiring ratification by national parliaments. Its implementation to be effective, then has to be done together with industry and social partners.

For more information on the role of tech & industry as enabler of digital transformation and driver of recovery, read the 10 Point Plan for a competitive industry sustaining social Europe and the Recovery plan for a competitive industry in a resilient Europe.