17 July 2017

Ceemet elects Oliver Zander as new Chairman

Oliver Zander, Director General of the Federation of German Employers’ Associations in the Metal and Electrical Engineering Industries (Gesamtmetall), has been elected as the new Chairman of Ceemet’s Board of Directors. His term will last until end June 2020.

CEEMET Chair Oliver Zander Gesamtmetall

Mr. Zander thanked outgoing Chairman Terry Scuoler, CEO of the UK manufactures’ organisation EEF, for leading the European employers’ organisation of the metal, engineering and technology-based industries through times of rising protectionism and uncertainty.

Ceemet’s new Chairman is taking over the helmet at a moment when the European Commission presents its White Paper for the future of Europe and while far-reaching initiatives in the field of social policy are being discussed.

Oliver Zander has been Director General of the German Federation since February 2013, representing 22 German member organisation standing for 7,000 companies. The industry is Germany’s core industry, including machinery and the automotive industry, with a yearly turnover of 1.000 Billion Euro and almost 3.9 Million employees in Germany alone.

Zander is an attorney at law and has in depth experience in collective agreements, labour law and European social policy.

“Manufacturing is the heart of the economy, we therefore must remain focussed on the competitiveness of our industry in a globalised value chain. A competitive industry creates well-paying jobs, and, in short, earns the taxes that define what can be spent on any Social Europe.” – Oliver Zander, CEEMET Chairman of the Board of Directors