7 March 2022

Conference on the Future of Europe: employer’s contribution for a Europe that embraces its companies

On Friday 4 March 2022, Ceemet hosted a lively event in Paris, France, in order to provide employers’ input to the Conference on the Future of Europe. The event was held both physically and virtually, and attended by a nice mix of policy makers, representative organisations and Ceemet members.

The event was organised around three thematic panels on labour mobility, regulation and skills. Indeed, Ceemet has identified these issues as the main challenges that will define the future of Europe for companies. The sometimes heated discussion took place with a good blend of panellists from company representatives, institutional speakers, Ceemet member experts and stakeholders.

Company representatives gave a stark warning to policy makers on a number of issues including on pay transparency and due diligence stating that even for larger companies, what is being proposed by the Commission is completely unworkable. We also heard an impassioned plea from representative organisations that ‘enough is enough’! After COVID-19, and now the tragic situation in Ukraine, companies can’t take anymore.

A summary of the contribution is available on the Conference on the Future of Europe platforme. Below you can find the messages per panel as the full contribution.