9 May 2019

Europe Day statement: Future of Europe will depend on kind of debate

In a statement Ceemet – European Tech & Industry Employers call for an open and real debate on the Future of Europe, its wealth and the way getting there.

The changing rationale for the EU requires a new narrative without ingoring the discourse of peace and unity as basis for the creation of wealth.

Only a competitive Europe will be a social Europe. The current discourse on social Europe puts the proverbial cart before the horse, largly ignoring how social Europe is today and how social policy is financed. Increasing social spending can only go hand in hand with a determined push of the international competitiveness of Europe’s industry.

Diversity is the basis of the European Union. But we need a commonly shared vision that is implemented by all: Member States, societies, companies and workers.

A strong Europe can offer visions and solutions that give confidence to citizens, workers and industry. Giving the reassurence citizens need in times of globalisation and fast technological change. Ceemet #10PointPlan #EUelections2019 #FutureofEurope #RoadtoSibiu


Ceemet resumed the 10 biggest challenges of our time in 1 publication with the ideas of the employers of the tech & industry sector to turn them into opportunities resulting in reinforcing EU. The publications is available in BG, DE, EN, FR & IT

All info on: 10-points.ceemet.org