On 25 June 2024, Ceemet’s 43rd General Assembly met to discuss the pressing topics for the European MET industries. Discussions took place on the broader European industrial landscape, the social dimension of any potential Industrial Deal, and the implications of the recent European elections.
Opening the meeting with a discussion on the “Social dimension of the Industrial Action Plan”, Maria-Luisa Cabral, Director for Working Conditions and Social Dialogue at the Directorate General, Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion highlighted the significance of competitiveness and prosperity within our social market economy and presented the many initiatives taken by the Commission to promote social dialogue, at all levels. Following this, Isabelle Barthès, Deputy Secretary General of industriAll Europe outlined their campaign for good industrial jobs focusing on investments, solidarity, and quality employment. She noted the importance of the Antwerp Declaration, which emphasizes quality jobs and skills, and called for an industrial deal to implement the Green Deal. She also stressed the need for more action on skilling and reskilling of workers.
During the meeting, Ceemet members also discussed the shortage of labour and skills, with a focus on investing in young people and the need for intermediaries like subcontracting and temporary agency workers. Another of the themes which was common across the membership, was the administrative burdens which companies face in Europe, this was highlighted continuously with stark warnings given as to the mood of European companies.
Before the beginning of the Hungarian Presidency, Ceemet welcomed Ms Katalin Molnár, Ambassador of Hungary to the European Union, to outline the priorities of their upcoming Presidency of the EU Council. She discussed the current labour market and social affairs issues and gave members an insight into their priorities for their Presidency in this context.
Additionally, the General Assembly evaluated the outcomes of the European elections held from 6 to 9 June 2024. The Secretariat provided a roadmap for engagement with the new European Parliament for the coming years.
Finally, members shared recent socio-economic developments and collective bargaining updates from their respective countries, offering valuable insights into the broader European industrial context. The meeting finished with participants having a renewed focus on the challenges facing our industries and a resolute determination to tackle them head on.