During the European Week for Safety and Health at Work the Safe Silica website has been launched. It combines a handy FAQ section and information on the science behind crystalline silica.
Respirable crystalline silica (RCS) dust produced during industrial processes is harmful to health, causing silicosis and increasing the risk of lung cancer and other serious diseases among workers. RCS is one of the substances with the highest respiratory health risks to construction workers.
The European Network on Silica (NEPSI) gathers signatories – i.a. Ceemet – of the Social Dialogue Agreement on Workers Health Protection through the Good Handling and Use of Crystalline Silica and Products containing it.
The launch of the website is in conjunction with the publication of NEPSI 2.0 This is new guidance material for employers on building a successful management system within their work environment.
The guide explains the requirements of management systems in relation to workers’ health protection and provides a wealth of tried and tested tools that can be applied in any workplace.
The guidance is particularly relevant for companies where no management system exists, since it provides a useful framework to build upon and/or integrate into any existing management system. It also includes information on managing the risks posed by RCS and includes good practice guidance that is ready to be shared even beyond NEPSI signatories.
Find the complete info sheet with practical tools and guidance on dangerous substances in workplaces on healthy-workplaces.eu website.