16 March 2023

MET Employers input into the European Commission chemicals legislative process

On 16 March 2023, Ceemet represented the MET sector as part of the employers delegation in the social partner consultation on the latest update of the Carcinogens, Mutagens or Reprotoxic Substances and Reprotoxins at work Directive.

Ceemet brought forward points on welding and the fumes which occur from this industrial practice. It highlighted the possible problems which could occur if the Commission doesn’t get the balance right when legislating. Issues around the potential challenges for apprenticeships, the increased cost of retrofitting and the possible burden on employers were raised. Furthermore, Ceemet brought forward the realities of the far reaching impact of any potential proposal from the Commission, and the unfortunate possibility of the relocation of businesses if we don’t strike the right note on this pertinent topic for Ceemet.

A second stage consultation of social partners will follow in the coming months. Ceemet will continue its role in defending the interest of our industries in this and other relevant fora.