Mental health policy is clearly an important issue, and one which is crucial for policy makers to get right.
Psychosocial risks at work are a key element of this strategy. However, it is important to note that they must be seen as part of a wider societal response to dealing with peoples’ mental health. In its recently published paper, MET employers set out their vision for tackling this issue. Ceemet understands that workplace mental health concerns, which include psychosocial risks, can be multifactorial, impacted by both work and non-work contributory factors. As a result of existing EU legislation, efforts to improve OSH standards should not solely rest with the employer, but also with the individual.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about root and branch changes in the way we work. There have been many positive elements to this, caused by the development of remote work and telework in occupations where it is applicable, such as better reconciling work and personal life. Negative aspects were also experienced, including employees being forced to work from home and deal with issues such as decreased social contacts and isolation. However, it must be noted that this isn’t the normal way remote work and telework are carried out. It is normally based on a voluntary agreement between the employee and employer which should benefit both parties.
This paper sets out the MET industries position on the above topics, and many more crucial issues, and serves as a basis for our engagement in the ongoing debate at an EU level.