IndustriAll Europe and Ceemet unite/join forces to repeat their call for swift, ambitious action to be taken in the field of vocational education and training to guarantee VET becomes a First-Class option
Prompt action should also be taken to address the lack of digital skills in Europe, to ensure the continued competitiveness of the MET sector and the sustainability of its jobs at a time of fast-paced transformation.
Ceemet and industriAll European Trade Union have long been advocating for first-class vocational education and training strategies to support the MET industries in thriving in, and adapting to a fast-evolving, highly digitalised world.
During a dinner debate, hosted by the European Parliament’s rapporteurs on the New Skills Agenda for Europe Martina Dlabajová (ALDE; CZ) and Momchil Nekov (S&D; BG), the social partners presented their joint position.
industriAll European Trade Union and Ceemet identified three initiatives of particular importance to MET industries: i) Making VET a first choice, ii) Getting connected: focus on digital skills, iii) Boosting skills intelligence and cooperation in economic sectors
“Ambitious VET policies are essential for companies of all sizes and for workers to keep up with the skills development that is required for the MET sector to remain strong, innovative, competitive and sustainable” said Uwe Combüchen, CeemetDirector General, “promoting the attractiveness of VET – particularly to young people – as a high-quality training choice, is key to increasing the number of students that choose this option”.