On 5 June 2023, Ceemet and IndustriAll co-organised the debate within the frame of the Year of Skills for the Metal, Engineering and Technology industries in the European Parliament called “#EYS2023: Social partners in action for skills in the metal industry”.
Attended by Education and Training experts from employers and trade union associations, the panellists exchanged around the problematic on “the actions of social partners in upskilling & reskilling plans in the metal industry?”
Co-hosted by MEPs Sabine Verheyen (EPP) and Joao Albuquerque (S&D), this event was the opportunity to showcase initiatives that social partners have been developing at national and European levels in these areas, particularly concerning VET, the anticipation of skills, work-based learning and apprenticeships in the MET industries. Ceemet and IndustriAll illustrated their recommendations presented in their joint position paper on ‘Boosting continuing vocational education & training in the MET industries’ and will do a compilation of social partners’ initiatives in a report to be published within the timeframe of the European Year of Skills.
You can download our press release.