On 26 June 2024, Ceemet participated in the kick-off meeting of the iMET- EU-Funded project regarding “ Innovating social dialogue and collective bargaining toward artificial intelligence in the MET Industries”.
This first meeting of this 4-years project was the opportunity to present the project milestones, deliverables and objectives. Furthermore, the partners also introduced themselves and their organisations.
Social dialogue within Artificial intelligence is crucial for promoting responsible development, deployment, and regulation of AI technologies that are in line with societal values and contribute positively to human well-being.
As associate partner in this project, Ceemet will contribute with its views to discuss the employment and skills related aspects of artificial intelligence.
The next step for 2024 within iMET is creating the four e-manuals on Occupational Health and Safety, Human Resources Management, Data protection, and skills need.
Kick off minutes, here