7 December 2017

Ceemet Director General: “Only losers without swift action”

Ceemet Director General Uwe Combüchen chose to speak frankly at yesterday’s European Forum for Manufacturing, in front of Members of the European Parliament, Council, Commission and industry representatives.

Mr. Combüchen repeated that no deal is not an option for European manufacturers and quoted EU chief negotiator, Michel Barnier when he said: “Whatever outcome of Brexit negotiations, there will be no business as usual.

Manufacturers in Europe form part of complex, intertwined and global supply chains. The ability to import and export manufactured goods and related services seamlessly across borders is an important pillar of current business models. On top of that global supply chains drive global competitiveness of European manufacturing, innovation, quality and productivity.

Business needs certainty, the certainty to plan business decisions and carve out their long-term strategies. Ceemet calls negotiators on both sides of the table to respect 5 key points:

  1. The need for a time limited transition period, reducing the risk of economic shocks;
  2. Maintaining free and frictionless trade, avoiding tariff and non-tariff barriers to the movement of goods and ensuring the integrity of the single market;
  3. Ensuring that people can move freely across borders to support complex supply chains and address the sectors skills gap;
  4. Industry requires a single regulatory environment, supported by mutual recognition and regulatory cooperation;
  5. Consultation of industry is essential in ensuring negotiations deliver a deal which works.

Ceemet has not the role of a politician, but exists to promote and defend the interests of all manufacturers across Europe, including in the UK.

Europe’s manufacturers are reaching out their hand to contribute and to help identifying key choices, priorities and solutions when pursuing trade policies, programs and services that assist businesses to compete in the global economy. Ceemet EFM Director General Brexit Global value chain