29 March 2017

Ceemet statement on Article 50 negotiations

Negotiations on UK exit must deliver “reasonable deal in reasonable time” for all European Manufacturers.

European manufacturers are calling on the EU and UK negotiators to agree a deal that works for trade and reduces the risk of economic shocks.

Following the UK’s triggering of the Article 50 process, Ceemet, the European Council of Employers in the metal, engineering, and technology-based industries, is calling on all parties to ensure that the negotiations deliver a deal that minimises disruption for industry across the European Union and in the UK.

The European metal, engineering, and technology-based industry sectors want to ensure consistency in trade and regulations in both the UK and the EU.

CEEMET Brexit lose-lose situation manufacturing

Uwe Combüchen, Director General of Ceemet, said: “To mitigate the ‘lose-lose’ situation of Brexit for European manufacturing as highlighted in Ceemet’s 2016 Brexit report, it is essential that all parties work towards a reasonable deal for industry, while ensuring the integrity of the single market. Simply put a negotiation which produces no deal would be highly damaging for industry in the EU as well as the UK.”

Looking at Commission & Council

ndustry is looking to the Council and Commission – and the British government – to effect a stable and orderly exit process, preserving as much as possible the often complex and delicate trading relationships that are in place.

In order to deliver a smooth exit, European manufacturers believe that a period of transition will be required to allow adjustment towards a new relationship and avoid uncertainty across the EU. This transition will allow for an orderly implementation of the new arrangements and should not be seen as postponing the process of the UK exiting the EU.

Mr. Combüchen added: “There must be pragmatism on all sides. It is not in the EU or the UK’s interests to lead industry to cliff-edge decisions which will ultimately damage investment opportunities and business confidence.”

This statement has been endorsed by all Ceemet member organisations.