9 December 2020

von der Leyen & Johnson meeting: Use the window of opportunity

The meeting between the UK PM Boris Johnson and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen comes at a crucial moment. 22 days shy of the end of the transition period, Ceemet – European Tech & Industry Employers calls on both sides to avoid a ‘no deal’ scenario to the benefit of industry and society.

Ceemet members, representing the companies which make up Europe’s Tech & Industry sector, are calling for all sides to find a solution which is in the best interests of industries on both sides of the Channel.

22 days shy from what will become an administrative nightmare, an interruption of production chains, the loss of well-paid jobs increases the sense of urgency among companies of which many are SMEs.

Tonight, the UK PM and EU Commission President should clear the path for their negotiators. The dinner meeting at the highest level is an opportunity to put the negotiations back on track as the time for an agreement and its ratification is running out.

There is too much at stake to continue this game of chicken”, said Oliver Zander Ceemet’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, “It’s time for everyone to act responsibly and to make sure that come next year, there still is a thriving industry.

Political responsibility to get a deal

Industry, and in particular our sector as part of global supply chains, continues to be heavily impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Additional burdens that result from a no-deal exit will make it more difficult for companies to keep the doors open and maintain jobs in Europe.

When PM Johnson and President von der Leyen meet and discuss, it should be about jobs and the companies that provide them.

This window of opportunity must be grasped by both sides. These are crucial days to break the impasse and strike a meaningful deal that preserves the complex relationship that has grown over the past 40 years.