8 October 2024

Ceemet participated in the second TRIREME partnership meeting 

On 3rd and 4th October 2024 Ceemet actively participated in the TRIREME second partnership  meeting held in Milan.

This was the occasion for the partners  to exchange information regarding the state of play of the different work packages and the work achieved so far.

Ceemet and its trade union counter-part, industriAll Europe,  are leading work-package 6 of the project that deals with the social transformation of the automotive mobility ecosystem in the context of the twin transition. Against this background,  the MET social partners  updated the partners on the work carried out until then, including the desk research report and the ongoing compilation of good practices as regards un-skilling and re-skilling initiatives.

Last but not least, they also referred to the first social partner workshop that will be held in Brussels on 4th December 2024.