Ceemet and industriAll Europe have since 2010 formally engaged in European sectoral social dialogue, supported by the European Commission. The sectoral social dialogue committee comprises members from both organisations.
At the industry sector level, Ceemet promotes competitiveness through social dialogue, consultation and joint action with our European-level counterpart, industriAll European Trade Union.
Ceemet and industriAll Europe have since 2010 formally engaged in European sectoral social dialogue, supported by the European Commission. The sectoral social dialogue committee comprises members from both organisations. The work is carried out through 2 working groups:
1. the Competitiveness & Employment in a globalised economy working group
2. the Education & Training working group
Ceemet and industriAll Europe believe that European-level sectoral social dialogue can contribute to improving the economic and business environment that supports the development of competitive and profitable companies, thereby also promoting sustainable employment and working conditions in the Metal, Engineering and Technology-based industries (MET).
European Commission
Find out what the European Commission does and understands under ‘Sectoral Social Dialogue’ on its social dialogue website.
Relevant Sectoral Social Dialogue (SSD) documents
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe Social dialogue Plenary meeting 2022
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe Right skills for quality jobs for young people in the European Year of Youth 2022
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe Workshop on Fair Green Transition: anticipating and managing the impact of the Green Transition on skills and employment – a major challenge of the MET industries- October 2022
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe joint position: Boosting continued Vocational Education and Training (CVET) in MET industries – 24.11.2021
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe statement: Social partners renew Pledge on apprenticeships – 15.06.2021
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe statement: Investing in a swift recovery – investing in the future of the European industrial basis – 30.11.2020
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe statement: Social partners jointly want to shape digital transformation – 27.11.2020
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe statement: The EU must join forces to combat covid-19 and reboot industry – 12.06.2020
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe joint priorities on skills/education/training for the new legislative term – 01.10.2019
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe joint position on the European Pillar of Social Rights: social partners underline 9 principles – 12.12.2018
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe joint position on legal migrants & labour market: social partners paving the way – 12.12.2018
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe joint pledge on the European Alliance on Apprenticeships – 28.06.2018
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe joint position on a New Skills Agenda – 19.06.2017
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe statement on the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome – 25.03.2017
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe joint position on the impact of digitalisation on the world of work in the metal, engineering and technology-based industries – 08.12.2016
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe joint declaration on the future of social dialogue – 19.09.2016
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe joint statement ‘Yes’ to UK in the European Union – for jobs and competitiveness in manufacturing – 16.06.2016
- Ceemet, ECEG, EURATEX and industriAll Europe views on ‘EU interference in wage setting lacks legal basis, ignores social partners’ autonomy and is opposite of what industry needs to bring Europe out of the crisis’ – 13.03.2013
- Ceemet, ECEG and industriAll Europe joint views on the planned initiative on IORP within the context of the White Paper on ‘an agenda for adequate, safe and sustainable pensions’ – 27.09.2012
- Ceemet-industriAll Europe joint conclusions on adaptability and flexible forms of employment 2011 & 2012 – 2012
- Ceemet-EMF SSD Education & Training Group on permeability between Vocational Education & Training (VET) and higher education – 2012
- Ceemet-EMF joint statement Industrial Policy – 15.04.2011
- Tool-box for recovering & strengthening competitiveness and safeguarding sustainable employment in the European MET industry – 13.12.2011
- Ceemet-EMF joint statement SSD Committee ad hoc WG “Competitiveness & Employment in a globalised economy” – 02.12.2010
- Ceemet-EMF joint statement SSD Committee ad hoc WG “Education & Training” – 02.12.2010
- Attracting people to the educational pathways that lead to the MET industry – 2010
- Ceemet-EMF joint Rules of Procedure – 25.09.2008